This is the successor version of the "Talking Spirit Box Radio EVP" from 2014
FIRST OF ALL: THIS IS NOT A FAKE APP! If your questions arent answered directly, then there is currently no connection to the other world. Take it serious! If you get direct answers on your questions, feel happy, as this app works for many among us. Give it a try! And open your mind!This is the successor version of the "Talking Spirit Box Radio EVP", based on many many requests from users, who use this app for spirit communication.We tried several months to build and test this app before final release on Google Play. We added many languages to this communicator like:English, German, Francais, Italiano, Espanol, Cestina and Slovenica. We may add other languages as well, based on user requests, just drop us an email about your requirements.On top I built in the noise-generator, which uses the well known blue, brown, grey, pink, violet, white noise for improving the communication with the other side.THIS IS NO FUN-APP or JOKE-APP, so please use this app seriously.The answers you might get are built by several sensors inside your smartphone.I recommend to enable WIFI and maybe GPS (if installed) to get many more triggers to receive answers from entities. But please keep in mind, like compared to EVP (electronic voice phenomenon), that real results maybe 10% compared to your stated questions. The app tries to trigger it, but there are so many additional factors which might influence the quality of responses.Start the app, change the noise you want to use, change language if needed (english language is standard), place your question (in mind) and click "START". You will receive answers based on your question - it will be displayed on your device as well its being spoken.Upcoming versions will also have recording and playback of your sessions, enabling you to store the sessions and maybe use them for publication on YouTube etc. (if you want to share).Quick note: You will NOT receive intelligent answers all the time. Compare it to the EVP sessions, where you record voices from the other side. Maybe in 1 out of 10 sessions you might receive responses, thats the same for this app. Based on several examinations the "bridge" isnt only the app or devce itself, which connects to the other side, its the personal attitude of the person, who wants to communicate with the spirits and guides. And for sure the intention of the spirits to communicate with you. Your personal mentally condition and energy is one of the most important parts being able to communicate. We did not release this app to earn big money (check the price) - we use that collected amount to reinvest in future updates, which improves the "bridge" to our loved ones.This app was basically developped for own needs - and as we received stunning replies we wanted to share this idea with you and believe in the fact, that there is life after death.